Monday, March 12, 2012

organizing books

Part 2.  I didn't know that there would be a "part 2", so I didn't write "part 1" on yesterday's blog.  If you didn't read yesterday's blog, it might make more sense to start there.

Labeling books.  Sonlight actually gives stickers to label books for each Core (at least they did when I bought it).  So when I changed to Tapestry of Grace I continued that practice.

What you do is buy little white stickers about one-half inch by three-fourths inch.  On the sticker you can use abbreviations to note the curriculum (ie: TOG or SL), what year or core (ie:Year 1 or Core D), the subject (ie: H for history or RA for read-a-loud), and for something like TOG you can add the unit and the level (ie: LG, UG, D or R).  You could also what week number(s) of the year the book is used.  You can get all that on those teeny stickers or you could use bigger stickers.  The removable stickers don't alter the books at all and you can take them off without ripping books, at least I haven't ripped any using the stickers. 

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