Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Freedom is not free.

 I was searching for something in San Antonio today and I came upon this article and pictures.   A 26 yo 1LT was killed in Afghanistan this month leaving behind a young wife, 3 yo son and 20-month old baby.  I just have to say, "Freedom is not free."

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke

Levi stepped outside to the backyard while I was in the house today.  I knew Caroline was out there on the trampoline, so I finished something and then headed outside.  Apparently he had to go potty right after getting outside.   So this is how I found him.  I made him cover up a little for the pictures.

That's grass on his right (rear) cheek.

So, Caroline said, "Take some pictures of me on the trampoline."

Today I took Caroline to play miniature golf with other pre-teen homeschool girls.  There were about 7 girls there.  Caroline isn't a big fan of miniature golf, so it was just "ok" for her.   In December they are having a cookie decorating and swap gathering and she thought that would be fun.  Levi came with us and slept most of the time in his stroller.  I twiddled my thumbs, checked my email and talked to another homeschool mom or two.  I think the word for that is "relaxing". 

So far this week, I've had to go to 2 medical appointments:  one planned and one acute appointment this morning.  On Monday Luke, Caroline and Josh had orthodontist appointments.  Everyone went.  Levi slept during that appointment too!  Today I had to take Jesse for an acute appointment (he'll be fine)  and I just had to take Levi because the older ones stayed home with the younger ones.  Up until just a few short years ago, when somebody had an appointment I had to take everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Here I am, leaving my first comment! You did mention Hollywood and all, so I figured it was time to post. Just kidding!

    Levi + the dog= priceless. Made me laugh!

    Don't you love having live in babysitters? I had several appointments this week as well, it was so nice not to have to take them with.
