Luke was able to take his PSAT at the local public school. I found out recently that it cost half as much to take it at the public school than it would have at a local homeschool organization. One of the neighbors called last night and offered to give him ride- that was thoughtful and very helpful.
Here are some extras that we are doing today:
1000 go to Legal Office to get something notorized
1200 Pick up Luke from PSAT
1230 Josh piano lesson at our house
2:00-3:00 Caroline- horse lesson. It's now a private lesson because there is nobody else in her class. She jumped (over a wooden jump) today! She was very excited.
3:00-5:00 or so, Luke works at the Commissary. He rides his bike there and back.
4:00-5:00- Sophia is taking her gymnastic class today instead of tomorrow because tomorrow we are going to serve dinner with our church at the Fort Sam Warrior Family Support Center
Soccer practices...
Caroline 6pm-7:30pm, Josh 610-7:40 PM and Luke 7:30-9:00 PM
Well, Levi hit send while I was still typing, so I guess I'll just edit a smidgen and then post this.
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