Monday, September 19, 2011

Found a College! Monday, 19 Sep 2011

I didn't wake Jesse up until about 20 minutes before Bible.  I didn't tell him that he needed to come to Bible, I just told him it was time to get up.  I wasn't going to make him come to Bible today.  We have Bible class each morning from 0800 to about 0830.  He was there on time and with his Bible and notebook.  Then when I gave him his schedule for the week, he said, "Is that all I have?".  He asked if he had to do spelling, typing, writing or cursive.  I said no.  I am having him do some math (reinforcing/re-learning the times tables before he continues with his math), grammar, literature, history, and science.  He also has his Robotics class tomorrow and we are starting a new grammar program today. 

I gave him things to do in small chunks and gave him frequent breaks.  It went really well with him today except when he dictated the history lesson and had to copy four sentences that he dictated to me.  I know he can print well- I've seen him.  He just did not want to do the action of writing.  The thinking of what to say wasn't the issue, it was the handwriting part.  Last year I would write what he dictated and he did well with that.  I may need to go back to that for awhile this year and wean him off if I can.  

I just had to take a picture of this.  

I haven't done this for any of the other kids (shhh, don't tell them) but somehow I did this for Levi.  I made a special jar to keep M&Ms in to give him when he uses the potty.  He calls them Nem Nems as you can see on the jar.  I just didn't want to forget this part of the Sobczak story.  He doesn't really care so much about Nem Nems, but he likes getting something special, that's just for him, when he goes potty.  When he's outside I let him pee outside on a bush.  I wonder how Mary potty trained Jesus....

School went long today, but no major issues.  Caroline had her German online class today so she ended up not doing her math until around 2:30.  I'm wondering if a different math would be better for her.  She knows how to do the problems, but often needs help getting started- figuring out which formula to use.  

We learned about Charlemagne today...the greatest king of France.  His grandfather, Charles Martel or Charles the Hammer, stopped the Muslim invasion from Spain into France.  I am using Story of the World with Caroline, Jesse and Sophia.  It if for 2nd - 5th graders and Caroline is in 6th, but I think it's good since we can  all do it together.  She will still learn alot.  I am learning alot form it.  We are focusing on narrating back what we read (or listen to on the cd) and then I am having Jesse and Caroline write up their narration.  Soon, Caroline will just write up her own without narrating to me first.  We are doing map work almost everyday so they are learning geography too.  I bought them each a student copy of the workbook, so I easily tear out all of the maps, worksheets, coloring pages.  It's easy for me.

Rachel is gone until next Thursday.  The kids took turns playing with Levi today, but then Josh ended up putting on "Dispicable Me" for Levi to watch.  I told the kids not to put the TV (video) on for Levi, but he watched it for a little and we got our work done.  

I took Luke to a Christian College fair before his soccer practice tonight.  We didn't have much time there, but it was so worth it.  Luke found Colorado Christian University in Denver.  They had a picture of mountain biking and skiing and Luke told the rep that's what he wanted to do.  Turns out the college has minors in "Outdoor Leadership" and "Wilderness Leaderness" leadership. Luke is sold.  They also have Division II sports including soccer!  Luke said he doesn't need to go to any more college fairs.  

I got some info for Josh about Louisiana College.  He wants to go to college in Louisiana.  They didn't seem to have a major that might suit him, but we'll see.  They are also big in sports so I put on the info card that I filled out, that Josh plays on a D1 (very competitive) soccer team. 

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